
Reiki Is a Japanese stress reduction and relaxation technique that promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stressed, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

1 Session/60 minutes $130

1 Session/90 minutes $195

Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy: is the art and science of stimulating and balancing the flow of life energy within the human being. The term Polarity relates to one of the fundamental laws of nature, namely the attraction and union of opposites through a balanced middle point. The human body is an energy system like a battery or magnet. It has positive, negative and neuter poles and currents of energy that flow through them. Polarity Therapy concerns itself with the flow of a very subtle high-frequency.

1 Session/60 minutes $130

1 Session/90 minutes $195

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy or guided imaginary: is a skilled verbal communication, used during hypnosis, which helps direct a client’s imagination in such a way as to bring about intended alterations in sensations, perceptions, feelings, thoughts and behavior. In a typical hypnotherapy session, the hypnotherapist will ask the client questions about previous medical history, general health and lifestyle. The hypnotherapist and client will decide together on the changes or goals that are desired. 

1 Session/60 minutes $130

1 Session/90 minutes $195

Craniosacral Therapy

Cranial Unwinding: also known as “Craniosacral Therapy,” is a clothed, hands-on therapy where the practitioner uses subtle palpation skills on the client's skull, spine and cerebrospinal fluid, easing or releasing restrictions in nerve passages. The philosophy behind Cranial Unwinding (CU) is the  body has an inherent wisdom to balance and heal itself. Cranial Unwinding is a highly effective therapy for a wide variety of conditions and injuries. 

1 Session/60 minutes $130

1 Session/90 minutes $195

Hand Polarity Reflexology

Reflexology: is the application of gentle pressure to areas on the hands Reflexology is generally relaxing and may be an effective way to alleviate stress. The theory behind reflexology is that these hand areas correspond to organs and systems of the body. Proponents believe that pressure applied to these areas affects the organs and benefits the person's health. 

1 Session/60 minutes $130

1 Session/90 minutes $195


Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it's called essential oil therapy. Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It enhances both physical and emotional health. The aromatherapy session will be integrated with an energy-healing wellness session for optimal results.

1 Session/60 minutes $130

1 Session/90 minutes $195

 Energy Healing Integration 

This holistic healing session includes the integration of various modalities of energy healing like Polarity, Reiki, Cranial Sacral, Aromatherapy, and Hand Polarity Reflexology. This is a clothed, hands-on therapy single session. This is a great energy healing integration to practice Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person, body, mind, spirit, and emotions. in the quest for optimal health and well-being. We believe that the whole person is made up of interdependent parts and if one part is not functioning correctly, all the others will be affected.

1 Session/60 minutes $130

1 Session/90 minutes $195

Holistic Life Coaching 

Transformational life coaching is similar to life coaching. It involves helping people bettering themselves and their lives by bringing about necessary changes. Instead of changing how they act, however, as with life coaching clients, transformational coaching clients work on changing the way they see themselves. 

1 Session/60 minutes $130

1 Session/90 minutes $195