Benefits of Holistic Alternative Medicine

Holistic alternative medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person -- body, mind, spirit, and emotions - in the quest for optimal health and wellness. A holistic therapist may use all forms of alternative therapies, to treat a patient. 

Energy medicine is a method to transmit healing energy to a patient's body through the hands of a practitioner to restore or balance the body's energy field for better health. 

 Energy healing therapy has been used to treat various health conditions. Balances the body’s energy flow Energizes and balances glands and bodily functions strengthen the immune system energizes body, mind, and spirit frees blocked emotions frees blocked energy Increases creativity and awareness.

 Increases serotonin and endorphins released by the brain to relieve pain and relax by working at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. releases toxins and impurities from the body supports and activates the body’s natural ability to heal itself Used to heal past, present, and future experiences

Additional Benefits: